16 July 2006

I'm sick of being sick

Granted, I've only been sick for about 24 hours now, but I'm still sick of it.

I also realized it has been over a month since I wrote anything here. Whoa.

But I'm not going to fill you in on what has been happening in my life because I wasn't doing that in the first place so you can just forget about that right now.

I feel... Sick... But besides that, I feel like not telling you what I really feel right now because there's no proof anyone reads this anyway. Hah!...

Something More Than Nothing At All:

Something's on the wind; a kind of a change is blowing through.
Now I know it could be nothing at all,
But it might have something to do with you.
Something new's in the air; a new flavor mixed in with what's there.
Once again it could be nothing at all,
But it just might be the stallion's mare.

There's no reason I can think that you would even care
No reason to be there
No reason I can fathom that we could ever be
In this reality
Something more than nothing at all.

There's this illusion in here; it's a dream with an ideal path and wonderful goal.
And it likely means no more than nothing at all,
But maybe, just maybe, it means the end of the lonely role.

There's no reason I can think that you would even care
No reason to be there
No reason I can fathom that we could ever be
In this reality
Something more than nothing at all.

If this dream of mine is so impossible,
Why does it seem so plausible?
Why do some dreams come true?
Why can't I let go of this dream of you?
If every logical part of my mind says it cannot be?
Why am I unable to deny it may be?

There's no reason I can think that you would even care
No reason to be there
No reason I can fathom that we could ever be
In this reality
Something more than nothing at all.

Something more than nothing at all.

Could we someday be
Something more than nothing at all?

I should add that I like that song... Kinda fits, ya know?