29 September 2007

So now I'm going to scare everyone...


Nah, seriously, I will be a freaky appearance, since the look I've had for over 18 months, and the look that most people know me with is changing. I will temporarily be joining the fuzzy headed people with no facial hair. No, I'm keeping my eyebrows and lashes, just not much else in the way of headed hair.

Don't worry so much; it's always temporary. I'm just not in a show for the first time in about 4 years and the prospect of doing something to my hair without anyone being able to tell me no is too good an opportunity to just let go. And getting a haircut is kind of normal. So I'm buzzing it. I prolly won't like it, because I've never done it before, but who knows? The beard is also coming right back, but I thought while I was shaving one, I might as well shave the other too. Err, buzzing... you get the idea.

And I'm moving again, stopping by the old stomping grounds a week from yesterday, so if you're there, and you know who you are, you should be there so we can hang.

Even though you'll be freaked out at my crazy new look.



23 September 2007

So I've Been Busy...

So for all of you that still check this blog (can't imagine there are even too many of those), I'm just letting you know that I have been busy, but now that's almost done with, which means I'm moving, which means there will likely be less activity, and I'm going to be travelling a bit, and staying at home for a bit, which will further lessen activity, meaning I will likely keep up on this a bit, but don't expect novels... Not until I actually write and publish one of those anyway.

So the show I've been doing is almost over, and that's kind of a weird feeling, because I've done over 90 performances... lemme check... 98 to date, and that's if you don't count all the extra rehearsals, initial rehearsals, and whatnot. This is the last week, and that means I'll have done 104 total performances. Probably at least 112 total runthroughs (yeah, we didn't get enough of those, really). Heh. And now it's all coming to an end, and I'm moving once again... That's a little annoying just because I brought most of the furniture here, and don't really want to just get rid of it... Anyway, That's all one. As soon as I have it all figured out (I mean moving, not life) I'll feel better about the time I'll spend doing it.

So there's your update, and yes I started all the paragraphs with so.

So what?