05 August 2006

I hate money

I hate it because everything requires money, and I can never seem to get enough to get what I think I may need (or at least want really bad).

K, now that that's over with, I have an amusing little anecdote:

Lichen can survive the vacuum of space.

True. At least 15 days in the vacuum of space with no signs of damage whatever. All that exposure to ridiculously extreme temperatures, solar radiation, solar winds, and a severe lack of atmospheric pressure didn't seem to phase the lichen at all.

Here's the site to prove it:

It's near the end of the entry, in the last paragraph of the last section (well, before "Growth Form"). Pretty interesting... To me anyway...

I found it while looking up information about Biodiesel, which is an alternate fuel source made from animal fat and/or vegetable oils, mixed with methane and a few other chemicals. Works as good as diesel, but burns cleaner, cleans your engine out, and isn't a depleting resource. On the downsides, it gels faster than diesel in cold weather, and can have problems with water contamination and bacteria growth. There are, of course, measures to fix those difficulties. I find it interesting that it is cheap to produce, cheaper than gasoline in almost any country but the US. Funny that... Again, Wikipedia has a great article on it

And the great thing is, they're developing a way to make biodiesel from algae (an algae that's about 50% oil...), and we all know there is virtually no limit to that plant type. Heh, Should be cool, if it ever reaches full production. If I was a little more interested in Chemistry, I might just eventually get my own processor (since you can do that for a few grand)... But then, I don't own a diesel vehicle... Wait, the only vehicle I have is a bicycle. Yeah, it's going to take me a while to feel the need to get that. But you can make your own.

So there's the environmentalist in me, I guess. I'm almost always up for higher efficiency, lower costs, and more world friendliness, whenever possible.

Especially the part about lower costs, because I still hate money. Mostly my dependence on it and my lack of possession of it.

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