31 July 2009

Thoughts vs Speech vs Action

I like to think of myself as well thought out. My personality, I mean. That I think before I speak, and never say anything but good truthful things.

Of course that isn't the case.

More often than not I find myself thinking back on the day's conversations, particularly the ones that had some impact on my mind, and I find that what I said could have been said better; that my choice of words was poor.

Like Irene Bullock in My Man Godfrey "I can never think of [the proper things to say] until everybody's gone!" Alright, she was talking about witty comments, but I think that applies as well.

Then there's the difference between thinking about things and going out and doing them. Like right now; I'm writing a little blog entry (mainly motivated because it's been a month since my last update) instead of going out and doing... something.

Something would be nice...



Julie! said...

Whatever. You do fine - conversationally, anyway. I have no idea what your things you say to things you do ratio looks like. You are witty and nice and there's always something you can word better, especially since at a certain level words stop being objectively comparable to one another. My opinion, anyway. Anyway, if it worries you you can always memorize witty sayings like Mr. Collins does in Pride and Prejudice. You know what a catch he was.

Also, ha ha, My Man Godfrey...good memories.

Lone Barbarian said...

Well, thanks; your opinion is valued. even if my phrasing sounds stiff and formal. Heh.

I think I already do memorize witty quotes... :P If I memorize enough movies I'm sure that counts. :)