17 December 2008

Christmas Wishlist

Oh Santa Claus,

Without getting into how Santa is a feminine form of "saint" in Spanish (because I'm not here to offend you, so I won't mention that; it would only be for chuckles anyway), I just wanted to ask for one simple thing:

You see, I got this friend. And she doesn't believe me when I tell her I got a twin! I have one, you know! You deliver presents to him! So you know! And it hurts that she has so little faith in my word (or perhaps my sanity...) that I could just cry! DON'T LET HER MAKE ME CRY!!! He exists! He's the GOOD TWIN!!!!!! (I mean... I'm good too... though... honest!... It's just... if we're making comparisons... uh...)

And I'm not saying she's being mean to me. No, you don't have to put her on the naughty list, or give her coal, or anything. I mean, give her toys; presents; the whole shebang. Give her that flying pony; THAT'D BE FINE! Just leave a little note there that says I have a twin. Not that you have a twin, but that I have a twin...

You know what I mean.

Anyway, I know I'm not on the list for expensive toys that would make my life easier (or manageable in general); no cars, digital camcorders, computer upgrades, top of the line production software, or any of that. But if you would do this one thing for me, that'd be awfully nice of you. :D :D :D :D (with halos on top and everything).

Muchas Gracias,

The Lone Barbarian.

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